Credit goes to:x_-Gerri-_x


Credit goes to:x_-Gerri-_x

54 0
so true 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👏👏
I'm a Christian I get picked on and that stuff same with my I asked if I could repost!
you shouldn't be picked on by your beliefs that's terrible!
at my school I talk about god all the time and they don't even do anything
yea at my school ppl are just plain rude with others beliefs :(
yea that's not right at all
Ik :(
yea me too it's very good
i am a christian too
I love this
I'm not a Christian and tbh this offended me
its not mine..
aww thank you so much! lol I can't believe I didn't notice this earlier x3
this means so much xx