TMI warning: I started using a menstrual cup because research shows that tampons and pads take longer than a humans lifetime to degrade. It’s very convenient and environmentally friendly! I also stopped buying plastic water bottles.


TMI warning: I started using a menstrual cup because research shows that tampons and pads take longer than a humans lifetime to degrade. It’s very convenient and environmentally friendly! I also stopped buying plastic water bottles.

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disclaimer: I’m not saying you should change your lifestyle or beliefs, but I do think you should take into consideration to how our earth changes daily. being environmentally friendly is very important to me so I’m happy I got to share that with you!
ive been trying to improve lately!! I have a reusable Starbucks cup now and metal straws!! i have also always hated littering.
yeah I’m making new friends hehe☺️ and yes Colorado is beautiful but we’ve literally been in the mountains for hours. I think we’re gonna be in Utah in like an hour!
YEAH I thought that was a little crazy too 😂 and I am excited to see Utah! I except I will only be driving through it and staying there tonight!!
girl you’re the sweetest. I’m good. I literally miss this app so much
it’s my all time favorite haha. and thanks! I still have like 1-2 more hours of driving tonight and then 10 hours tomorrow, but I’m seeing a lot of states i haven’t seen before. and we’re gonna go through Albuquerque New Mexico on the way home and I AM GONNA LIVE MY HIGHSCHOOL MUSICAL FANTASY
I mean the high school where it was filmed is actually in Salt Lake City, Utah lol
but it takes place in Albuquerque
haha YES, I’m in Utah now and it looks like a giant desert
haha I saw that 😂😂 we’re staying in green river, Utah and this hotel looks super sketch from the outside... so hopefully it’s not nasty 🤭
it’s a hotel but it’s still pretty sketchy😶 I honestly don’t think I’d EVER stay at a motel unless it was like highly rated and fancy-ish. motels freak me out because they’re like open to the outdoors and just creepy
p r e a c h
haha I use pads bc I’m an anxious scaredy cat of toxic shock syndrome bc I’m s hypochondriac😂
are you coming for my ted talk brand?🤠🌈
lol this is super informative and deep! we want more!!