Collage by BetterThenGold


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Thanks! ❤️ I'm getting there! It would help if I weren't allergic to the medicines the doctor keeps giving me! haha! 😂
Yeah! It's a funny story actually! I got strep last week, so they gave me medicine for it. It turns out, I was allergic to the medicine. on top of strep, I am red, covered in hives, and swollen from head to toe! I'm on steroids to help the reaction though. I also learned I have a lot of other health issues I wasn't aware of! When it pours! 🙄😂
Well...I am actually not talking about them right now. I am waiting for a bunch of testing results to come in. (The truth is...we don't know what's wrong yet...) Haha! However, I'm trusting that God knows best! He will take care of me and everything will go according to His plan! That is a relief! 😂 Thank you so much for your concern! It means a lot to me! I will let you know when I find something out! 😊❤️