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Jessica:*walks into dinner tired and sat at an empty table*
Alex:*walks out of her dorm to dinner*
Matt walks in alone
Are they still on the camping trip?
tysm for spam!!! 💖💖💖
wait no.....
Jessica:*eats salad*
Alex:*eats steak*
Matt: *seeing the girls veers the the other side of the room he isn’t a big fan of people...or talking...*
Alex:*she plays her violin like she does every night*
(i’ll try to be on i promise!!)
cara sat by the lake, having sat there for hours, it seemed.
(ok good!!)
Brody: *looked out his window and saw Cara sitting by the lake he anted more then anything to go sit next to her, to kiss her, remind her how much she meant to him... but he could feel strongly she wanted to be alone*
Matt: *looked up from his plate of food to see alex playing*
I’m aloneeeee
Alex:*she was tired she she had a couple quizzes that day she was glad it was over*
No Kat is herreeee
Nova- *sneaks back into the school, hoping nobody noticed that she was gone for so long*
(aw caeli you’re so sweet ily)
(also besides me being busy of school, i’ve also been busy binging greys anatomy aha)
Matt: *sighs and walked over to the trash dropping his whole meal inside including the plate*
Nova- *sees Matt* I think you dropped something you weren't supposed to in the trash.
Nova- *in her mind* Ugghhh... Another new kid. I wonder what he is like.
Matt: *looks at her dead in the eye and lets Of a feeling of hello evil reble guy here is everyone good here??*
(and Bella ily2💖)
Nova- *smirks at Matt* So I'm guessing you're evil.
Matt: *raises an eyebrow* you to? *he asks showing he is surprised*
Nova- Yep. I just got back from a little trip.
Nova- Why do you seem so surprised?
cara texts brody. “i’m not going to be at dinner.. i’m sorry”
Matt: oh... because everyone here is gives off good vibes and follows the rules *side of his mouth raises into a grin for a split second*
Brody: txts cara: yea i know... im not going anyway...
Nova- Then they act like they understand what it is like to be an evil person. *smiles at Matt*
Alex:*sighs she walks outside to the patio and watched the moon she missed Erica*
Ray- *walsk around outside and sees Alex* Have I seen you before?
Am I all alone? 😞
no I’m back
Matt: yea and it’s like “hèll you do” *laughs a little bit softly*
Nova- *to Matt* What are your powers?
Alex:Not sure.
Ray- *to Alex* Well... Ummm... I'm Ray. Who are you?
Matt: I control nature and animals.... all animals... what your?
what’s yours*
Nova- I have similar powers. I can talk and turn into any animal. I don't control any of them, though.
Nova- Where did you come from?
Matt: yea same difference
Matt: wait, what’s your name again?
Nova- I'm Nova. I don't think I got your name either.
Matt: it’s Matt but my friends call me Maddy *remembers how it was given to him for his temper and his eyes soften missing the memory of his only evil friends*
Nova- *chuckles* Maddy?
Nova- I never got a nickname. Mostly because I only have one friend in this school.
Matt: yea my life old friends gave me it as a read fir my temper and it stuck....... whose that?
tease not read😂
for not fir😂
Nova- My only friend is Clarice. She's evil too.
😂I hate typos like that
Alex:Alicia Red but people call me Alex.
Matt: wow another evil surprising
Ray- I think I may have seen you around before, but I don't really know who you were.
me to😂😂
Nova- She's pretty evil. Infect she helped me escaped to... *stops herself before she reveals that she grab away from this school. She was afraid if another evil found out, it would make her look cowardly*
In fact, not infect 😂
Matt: *raises his eyebrow again* you ran?
ran, not grab too
Nova- Yeah. I just went on a run, to go study animals. *she says nervously, coming up with an excuse off the top of her head.
Ray- So, what are your powers?
Alex:Water And Poison What about you?*sips tea*
Holo Maggggie
Ray- I have super speed electric powers. *shows lighting circulating through his hand*
Matt: oh cool... well I. think I have a nickname for you
Nova- What is that? *relieved that Matt didn't ask any questions about her running*
Matt: ginger snap *he says the side of his mouth raising into a small smile*
celesta walked into dinner completely absorbed with a book she was reading
Nova- *smiles* I like that name. I think it suits me.
Jessica:*sits down at an empty table play candy crush*
Nova- So Maddy, where did you come from?
(ikr 😂😂😂)
Matt: I just met you I think it does to
celesta walked over to her normal table without looking up and sat on the table, her feet resting on The seat
Matt: *smirks at the use of his nick name* I’m from Alaska and you?
carter: *still in the woods watched the stars silently*
Nova- I come from Australia, but sometimes I would go to Indonesia to go see some of my Komodo Dragon friends.
Jessica:*she stares up at the ceiling*
Alex:*walks inside*
Nova- Do you have any family members?
celesta finishes the chapter and slips in her bookmark. none of her friends were there so she grabbed a trail mix and headed down to the woods
celesta walked past Alex as she left and she hurried on, not wanting to talk to her
Matt: that’s cool I did have a little sister but she died....
Nova- Oh no, what happened to her?
celesta wandered through a path and scaled her tree. she climbed onto the roof of the cubby and jumped from tree to tree until she was up a tall fig tree
carter: *tucks his knees up to his chest*
Matt: she died in a car crash.. *looks down*
Nova- I'm so sorry.
celesta tucked up into the v-branch of the tree and opened her trail mix pack. she struggled with the plastic for a hit before it popped open, spilling several nuts and dried fruit down to the forest floor
Matt: it’s ok it’s was a long time ago...
Nova- What about your parents? Did they take care of you?
carter: *a hut falls from a tree and hits him in the head* what the hèll *he says looking at it before piping it into his mouth shrugging it off*
Matt: no... I went with my friends family after the accident because my parents could. bear it
celesta hears the exclamation and recognises the voice. she smiles and looks down, seeing carter pop the nut into his mouth. she tipped three more almonds into her Palm and dropped them down onto carters head
carter: *starts cursing under his breath* dam chipmunks hate me *as he gathers the three before eating them*
Nova- Were your friends evil like you?
Matt: *smirks* oh yea
celesta slipped down and landed next to carter: well, this chipmunk loves you" she smiled
Nova- What sort of evil stuff did you guys do?
cater: *jumps and hops up* I love you to *he wispers before pulling her in for a hug and kiss* sorry it’s just I’ve been dieing to do that all day
Matt: *grins* plenty of things, I’ve been to jubilee 6 times *laughs*
Nova- *laughs* Did you use your powers to escape?
Matt: well I hadn’t figured out how to fully use them but yea and since I chouldnt go back at risk they would find me I found here
Nova- One time I was almost banned from here after I almost killed somebody.
celesta smiles as carter kisses her and hugs him tight as they part.
Matt: oof that’s harsh
carter: I’ve missed you *he says as he brushes a whisp of hair from her cheek*
Nova- Yeah, I sorta 'snapped' on this kid, Daniel, and gave him a Komodo Dragon bite.
Matt: dang girl *he says as he nods* I killed a guard a juvi.. I made his dog attack him
Nova- Woah! That's amazing what you can do with animals! Did you bring any animals with you to this school?
Matt: *shakes his head* sadly no my dog Rex is back home....
celesta rests her head against his chest and whispers "I missed you too"
carter: *notices her shivering and wraps his size to big sweatshirt around her*
celesta nods gratefully and snuggles closer to him. "so what have u been up to?"
cara texts: “please.. go.. enjoy yourself..”
carter: just star gazing but know I have two stars to look into all for me *he says referring to her eyes*
celesta smiles and leans against him, her back against the tree
Nova- Is your dog all alone?
Brody: txts: what’s the point? I mean it’s not like I have to eat and your not there sooo...
carter: *kisses her forehead*
Matt: no he is with my fam
Nova- Does your fam know about your powers and where you're at?
celesta holds carter in a warm hug and she looks up at the stars: they are beautiful
Matt: no they don’t they think I’m gone for good or still at juvi *laughs*
carter: *looks down at her* just like you
celesta smiles and laughs. she looks up at carter: thanks for everything.
Nova- Do you plan on telling them someday that you're not gone and you have powers?
carter: *hugs her warmly* no problems
Matt: I don’t know I don’t think I could ever go back anyway
Nova- Well, you can make a new family here. There's me, Clarice, and about two more evil people in this school. It's not much, but it's better than all good people.
Matt: true true I hate goods there so sickening
Nova- They think that know everything about you, and act like they can turn evil people good again.
Matt: would you think of me as a brother?
Nova- I just met you, but you've been one of the only understanding, evil person I met. So, yeah, I think I could see you as a brother.
Matt: they don’t realize they can’t
Nova- *slightly blushes* It would be nice to have an evil family.
Matt: yea it would *looks up in thought about it*
celesta goes back to resting on carter and together they watch the stars twinkle in the sky
carter: your amazing
celesta: ur amazing-est
Nova- It gets so stressful sometimes when there are so many good people breathing down your neck and urging you to be a better person.
celesta: I love you carter. (she looked up at him)
carter: *grins* your amazing-er
carter: I love you to Celesta
carter: *leans down and greets celestas lips*
Matt: I KNOW!! it’s just like you want to screen at them saying “i can’t lay off!!”
celesta sweetly kisses carter back
Nova- And even if you do tell them, they'll just come up with another excuse as to how they can change you!
Celesta's hand finds their way around carters back and she pulls him close
carter: thinks to himself: what would I do without this girl?
Nova- and honestly, if they want evil people to be 'less evil' they should accept that person. Then, that evil person wouldn't get as angry at them.
Matt: exactly!
celesta gently pulls back and then accusingly points at carter: you have to apologise to the squirrels u insulted
Nova- It's nice to have another person understand what it's like to be evil.
carter: *blushes and smirks* IM SORRY SQUIRRLES!!!
Matt: it really is
Nova- I'm glad you found this place, Maddy. *she chuckled as she used his nickname*
mars: *walks in nervously and sits down at a empty table looking at his feet*
(Whose Mars again? 😂)
Nevermind 😂
cara texted brody caeli not sure if you realized
Matt me to ginger snap *smiles* we should get every evil together to make this fam
Matt: we could be the ate’s fam *laughs - all the evils-
oh oof I’m sorry bella I shal, find ittt
new kid 😂
Skylar and Hunter went to get something to eat, and sat down
Nova- That could actually be a good idea. We could find a way to get all tge evils together and secretly meet some place at night.
I responded up there though bella
mars: *looked up and saw all these people sitting next to each other and he quickly looked back down feeling embarrassed for being alone*
Nova- Exactly! *laughs*
Matt: we so have to we just must
celesta laughed and hugged carter "I'm sure ur forgiven"
carter: *smiles and hugs her back* I hope or else they will snipe me with acorns!
Nova- I'll text Clarice, and I know for sure there are two other evil people in thus school. I know Monika is one of them...
Nova- Do you think you could find another evil person?
celesta pulled out her trail mix: here- have a nut
Matt: yea I think there was this girl I saw the other day, she had dark hair I think I heard people saying her name was Malory? I can’t try to get her
Nova- Alright, you can tell her. Oh, also, we need a name for our group.
carter: *laughs well you threw 4 at me already I’m good *chuckles*
Matt: hmm idk
celesta laughs and pops one in her mouth: more for me then :)
carter: *smiles and kisses her cheek*
Nova- We could vote on a name once we get the group together, does that sound good?
Matt: yea that’s a good idea
Matt: I’ll go leave a note at her dorm
Nova- Okay, I'll text Clarice.
Matt: sounds good *he starts to walk towards the dorm wing*
celesta smiles and brushes carters hair to the side
sorry guys, gtg. Cya!
cara texts him: “just go. please.”
Brody: I’m not hungry
aww ok bye
carter: *smiles* can I kiss you?
celesta smiled: "always" she said as she gently kisses carter
sorry I’ve been super busy!
(is Hannah still here?)
Ray- *sees Hannah* Oh, hey Hannah.
( I am baccccckkkkkkkkkk)
Skylar and Hunter walk in fashionably (jk) late. They kind of gotten lost, but eventually got here to get dinner
Ray- Woah! So many new people I haven’t met!
Ava: strolls in after her vacation with a golden tan *hey guys what have I missed?*
Annabeth: ( comes in Super late) Sorry! Im late what did I miss?
Alex:Nothing just a couple math quizzes and History hw..*she sips tea*
Annabeth: Well that sounds boring!
Annabeth: Wait..... Ugggghhhhh I have so much Homework to catch up on!
Jessica:It was Believe me!
Annabeth: I belive you!
Jessica:Oh and Mid year Testing!
Annabeth: Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Annabeth: Kill me already! ( Falls Dramaticly to the floor)
Alex:Oh don’t be so dramatic you only need to score a 350 to pass!
Annabeth: Ok.......
Jessica:Only half the grade failed but I am sure you’ll pass!
Annabeth: Wait........What?
Annabeth:(Says Sarcasticly) Oh then I Think I will not Fail
Annabeth: Did you pass?
( I Have to go I will be on Tommarow... Or on Later! BYE!!!)
Jessica:Obviously So did Alex we both Scored a 500 the highest grade possible!
Alex:No need to brag Jessica.
(who's on?)
Hannah smiled. "Hi," she said. She adjusted her hair, then continued frantically looking around.
^^^(to Ray😂)
(I'm taking Hannah in a whole new direction... look what I made her do😏are you ready for it?😂
Mal is evil.
MALT? Please.....
Mal should get mad at Hannah soon. Wanna cause some drama?
OMG! I just started reading the third book in the series! AMAZING! Please! NO SPOILERS!
(Wut book?)
School for Good and Evil.
Hi Maggie!
Nova- *enters like a boss*
Skylar and Hunter were sitting at a table. Hunter was flirting with any girl who came by, and Skylar kept punching him in the arm.
I missed you tooo!
(your wellcome!)
My leaving worked out soooo well😂
Grace sat down in a corner by herself. She had been off visiting home for the past week and was excited to see her friends again.
mars: *sits-alone*
(Ohhhhh...btw Grace got a haircut👍🏻)
Jessica:*sits at her table sipping tea*
mars: *crosses his legs then uncrosses them nervously*
omg no wey
she didn’t she couldn’t of
Grace finally realized Nobody was going to talk to her, so she picked up a book and began reading.
she did
because I love short hair now😂
mars: *bites his lip and rubs his hand through his hair as he looked at his phone*
Jessica:*she walks over to Mars*What’s the matter you look...Nervous.*she blows a bubble with her gum*
Skylar was honestly pretty bored, and annoyed with her brother. She got up and went to get a salad
Grace glanced up at Mars, realizing she had no idea who he was.
mars: I’m new so I mean yea....
Jessica:What’s your Name Mars?
mars: you just said it Jessica
Jessica:I know..*halfy laughs*
She looked around to see people, but mostly just minded her own business. She pulled out her laptop.
Jessica:You can Mind Read?
mars: no... the ghosts told me...
Jessica:Ghosts?*she raises her eyebrow*
ahhh I gtg rn guys I’ll be on later
mars: I see and can control the super natural, there everywhere you know
At the word ‘ghost’ Grace snapped her head up. She herself was often called a ghost, and sometimes assumed that people were talking about her.
Mal: hey
Mal heads to the gardens after seeing the note...
Jessica:Creepy....Nice “Meeting” You Mars! And I am very sorry about your past!*smiles and walks off chewing her gum loudly*
(Who on?)
I is on
Alex:*sips Ice tea*
Grace was sitting all alone because she has no friends
(Poor Grace😭😭😭)
Alex:*walks up to Grace* Hey...Grace right?
Grace looked up from her book, surprised that someone noticed her. She glanced over the top of her sunglasses and looked at Alex. “Yeah...that’s me.”
Alex:Wait....Weren’t you stuck in a wall?
Grace smiled a little. “Yes...I’m quite clumsy.”
Alex:Do you like spying on people?
“No...although I am prone to doing just that in accident.” Grace said fixing her sunglasses
Alex:Come on!! I heard that the evils are doing something in the garden!
“But...you see...I’m not exactly evil...” Grace said looking down at her feet
Alex:Neither am I! Wouldn’t it be nice to get your head out of your book for once?
“I don’t think there is anything wrong with a book...” Grace said
Alex:I never said that com’n let’s have fun! It doesn’t hurt to be a little bad...
“Well, Alright.” Grace said smiling
Alex:Great! I think their in the garden!*she smiles*
“Okay...” Grace said, excited to finally be hanging out with people.
guys omg I’m so saddddd
celesta was back in her dorm as she scrolled through Pinterest. she sighed as her phone pattern dropped from 1% to dead. she stood up, plugged in her phone and left down to the gym for a swim
she dived in and immersed herself in the water, wearing her normal clothes. she popped up for air and allowed her hair to get wet. she felt her hair soak through as she dived back down and meditated on the floor of the pool. an hour later she returned to her dorm, her hair dried by her powers. she turned as her phone reached 100% emitting a ping
celesta picked up her phone and saw 34 missed calls and 56 messages. (random numbers I know)
all were private numbers. the messages said no Id. she opened the chat. every single one of them had the same message and celesta threw her phone across the room in anger as she read them
( Hey Muh Dudes I will be on All day today Because I am sick🤒)
( Anyone on?)
omg dudes I’m here 😂
I’m so sorry I’ve not been on I’ve been really busy and tired 😑
(I am Back!)
( anyone on?)
I’m at running supposed to be running but I did a spin session instead cos it’s shorter and easier 😂