So like this boy and he was going to ask me out last night but then I find out my best friend likes him and now they are dating and I am crying does anyone have advice


So like this boy and he was going to ask me out last night but then I find out my best friend likes him and now they are dating and I am crying does anyone have advice

6 2
plz like one of my posts I'll like 2 of yours
you can go out with me are you 12
I'm 12
so u want to go out
with me
um sure
make a picture of u on your account bae
ok so like I like this boy and all of a sudden my friend does she said he was going to ask me out and then I find out that they started dating
what school do u go to
Castle Heights Middle School
where is that?
Rock hill sc
in Columbus
no USA
oh where u live
Rock Hill South Carolina
oh cool
I love u more
8:58 and like 7:30
of course
what is ur name
my real name