Short people are gr8


Short people are gr8

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After reading this I officially apologize to every short person I used as an armrest (btw I'm not joking I really am sorry)
what about being tall? MUST FIND THAT
also yay we're on at the same time
tall people are gr8 for reaching things
and yay I'm glad!
yeah I have to get things for most of my teachers
and family members
and parents...
I am used as an arm rest ALL THE FREAKIN TIME!
my friends are always like can u carry me, can u reach that, can u do this, can u do that cuz I'm the tall one
everyone suddenly got tall all of a sudden and I'm just here climbing on shelves to get the goddรคmn sugar in the supermarket
omg I am used as an armrest and my username is based off my nickname gnat
I need to be tall, I hate being short
and I'm not just kind of short
imagine a normal height being Dan and Phil's height
I am Patrick Stump height in that scenario
I'm short and went to a concert last night. The struggle is real
I'm short and everyone laughs at me.
And people use me as an armrest
and I went to see Bea Miller and I had to basically throw my phone to get a pic
I'm not short AT ALL, and I'm sorry but I do use my friends as armrests