Why is it so hard to find friends who don't hurt your feelings everyday as a 'joke' and that don't leave you out?


Why is it so hard to find friends who don't hurt your feelings everyday as a 'joke' and that don't leave you out?

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I'll be ur friend. ins I'll be a good one.
yeah, thank you xxx
Friends say careless things, some are on purpose, and some are because they love you. Ask them, why do you say these things for me? It's better to ask than assume. Wish I could be your friend...
yeah, I wish I could be too. you seem really nice xxx
awww thank you Liam that's sweet. I'm Megan btw xxx
thank you. I like your too xxxx
I'll be here for you! And I know how it is! Sometimes friends can say things, and I know how if they say something as a joke, it's not funny or nice at all. I know what you've been through please stay strong!
hi u are a great girl don't think that
thank you xxx
I don't hurt you!😨 your a nice person!
thank you xxx
you r so awesome! there is no need to even THINK that u might be imperfect. I am going to follow everyone who is supporting u cause they r all right.
thanks xxx
even if we're 100000 kilometres away from each other ill be here for you
thank you
I feel the same way. -Morris
I'm sorry xxx
because those people are out there you just have to relax, breath, and walk up to someone and say hi
yeah I suffer from anxiety so it doesn't always go to plan
It is hard.Im at a new school.All of my "friends" sometime leave me out
oh god xxx
I have friends but they leave me out! I have one friend who never leaves me out❤️
it's goo that you have one friend that never leaves you out xxx #truefriendship
I've thought about that too. Do they know they're hurting you? Have you told them that it's not funny? I'm sorry if this doesn't help or isn't what you're looking for but, I think you should tell them that their "jokes" hurt you. If it gets serious and/or they won't listen and continue "joking" and excliding you, you should find new friends. It's going to be hard but I'm sure there are much better people out there than those who don't regard you feelings. Again,ask them first. They might not know they are actually hurting you. It'll cause more confusion and anger and drama if you just leave them for no reason or if you abandom them.(even if they exclude you.) ~xmastreacletarts~
thank you xxxx
We could be your friends ! stay strong
I feel like that
you're right o.o
I know I tried to stab myself to death last year but someone I never would have expected to care stopped my we were on a boat for a class trip and I brought a knife so I could stab myself then throw myself off the boat but right after I gave myself a cut on my neck she (Louisa) grabbed the knives and through them over board so my point is people will surprise you
yeah x