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collab with the amazing and talented @fun-life!! everyone go follow her💓🥳 I did the text and designs while she did the awesome backgrounds!✨🌿 ooft i gotta make a collage with the new fonts soon🌸✨ anyway how’s everyone’s day? anyone wanna chat💘💫
heyy! I was wondering if u could make me an icon-just the simple one like yours since I saw account icons wiz the same theme so yah❤️❤️ Thank you! let me know if it’s ok with h and I’ll remix a background :)
and this is AMAZING
wowowowowow 😻😻😻😻
you and fun-life did incredible on this 👏🏼😻
beautiful ♥️
We need to check on Audreyhepburns color games
This really is stunning!
haha yeah it’s a little stressful but to me the gap between 8th and 9th grade was more stressful lol. this is really pretty btw!
np! would you like to collab now that we have kinda the same theme 🙃
What do you want to do for travel games? (comment on chatpage)
of course!!! tysm🥰 this is gorgeous
wow!!!!!!!!!! 💞🥳
hey my team didn’t communicate for the flower games, so I just remixed something then, is it to late???
thank you!! this is amazing btw!!
ty! hm let’s see, well I discovered it in like 2014 but I didn’t actually make an account until Jan 2017. wbu?
Check the chatpage of @atomic-rainbows games
you’re welcome! ♥️
i always love your edits! they r so creative and really inspire me! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks so much!
oof yay! what part do you want to do?
aww thanks 🥰
thx!! this is BEAUTIFUL!!🥰🥰
Round 1 of the End of Summer (Now it is called End of Autumn) Games! Your team needs you to make one collage as a team!!!! Due date is November 25nd so get to work!!!
you guys did AMAZING! 😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
My day is going good so far (12:43 pm right now). What bout you?
Go vote for the travel games!
oh no me neither 😂
same omg 😂 how do you do the text on this one with the doodling omggg i tried that for my recent but i couldn’t do it so i gave up 😂
thank you!
Right? 😂 That gives me hope that one day I can find things, if I have kids. xD
yes i would love that!!! thank you so much! 💕
gorgeous! and tysm💕
Thank you this is gorgeous too ❤️❤️
thanks you! I’ll remix a pic:)
Nice lol
awww well I’ll remix another one :)
I tag you on a pc tag!! Check out my account for more information ❤️❤️
Round 1 of the END OF AUTUMN (It was End of Summer lol 😂) Games!!!
Round 1 of the Animal Games is up!
Thank you❤️🧡
round 1 is up
absolutely gorgeous!
chatpage is on the post
AW THANK YOU! this is gorgeous as well 💕
omg thank you! that’s so helpful 🙃 and aw tysm 💕
thank you so much!
tysm!!!! I'm trying to get a style of my own going 😝😝🥳
thank you so much!!!!
hm so do you just want to kinda do it randomly? like lets say you start with the background and remix it, i add something and remix it again, and so forth until it feels done? ♥️
This is so pretty! 💙 and hello!
ya! start with whatever you’d like to start with ♥️
thank you!
this is amazing btw
no problem what so ever! ty! :)
one more like till 100, woah congrats!❤️
hey this is pretty!! how's life treating u??
snjskaksbs ankther bootiful collage
stunning ✨
You are welcome 💖💖
And thank you
np! 💛
haha thanks
Thanks also I tag you on a pc tag
yup thank you!
tysm❣️this is stunning💙
Thank you!
thanks bro
join me in exposing fun-life! she’s a horrible collager and it’s about time she should delete her account! check out my posts to see why she’s a selfish person!!!!
Thank you! I think it would be awesome if we could be friends. Do you play any sports?
Ahhh thx girl❤️😂
OH Iforgot to post this😱🤧
I’ll post it in a few minutes!💖
thank you♥️
I swim too! And I play soccer and a little gymnastics
You're such a kind person, thanks for your lovely comments!
thank you so much!! ☺️
12. You?
wait would you like me to? actually?! ☺️
do u wanna collab??
are you an aussie
yess can’t wait 💕
yeah i am too! what state if you don’t mind me asking x
I hope it’s what you meant :)
your welcome! hope it helped :)
thank you love! your page is absolutely gorgeous 💕