Yay! You have 2 weeks, have fun!


Yay! You have 2 weeks, have fun!

43 30
I posted on the wrong account! ignore the post by The-Emoji-Games. I'll repost my collage. Thanks!!
this is -MissInspiration-
@inspirational_unicorn: A score of 5 is average as the scores are out of 10
I already entered
I want to drop out of the games
Yes you did mention that a while back, the message sent to you was an accident. Sorry!
you should know that several of the collages are the same..... which means that there a has been copying or cheating happening..... I would suggest you look into this
oops not in gummy bears I'm in fro-yo I'm sorry
@bubsyboo: There hasn't been any collages of the same content. Some people have used the same quote but that's ok, each collage is still different. Thank you anyway. If you are referring to the people who have just used an image straight from the Internet without doing any of their own work then yes, we are aware of this and we will sort that out.
yes that is what I was referring to
Hi! um, It won't allow me to remix. Can you instead look on my profile for it? i dont know why it won't. Thank you.
i was able to remix it now
can you make a new one today
BoldBixby44: Yes we are aware of this. Thank you for advising us though.