So school just ended and we had to turn in our
school IPads, which is what I texted my
girlfriend on. I haven't texted her because my
friend that has my girlfriend's username won't
tell me it and is ignoring me. Messed up
right!? Also that same girl which


So school just ended and we had to turn in our school IPads, which is what I texted my girlfriend on. I haven't texted her because my friend that has my girlfriend's username won't tell me it and is ignoring me. Messed up right!? Also that same girl which

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wow u and Panda started doing these did I inspire u?
oh that's sad about u guys to and don't worry Panda didn't tell me either but we shouldn't dwell on the past as it slowly destroys our future selfs I said that I'm smarts :P
I didn't hug you bc I was too emotional, I didn't tell you about my party because you and I had a fight, and I don't even remember you asking me for your gfs number, or I didn't know it at the time. I just want you to know its not very mature to share these problems with people you've never met on the Internet, and I don't appreciate you urging my username in this.