credit to @cheekymulti on ig for the style || i'm getting so lazy with edits and in ever want to make them any more idk i'm trying my best m80s || tugan


credit to @cheekymulti on ig for the style || i'm getting so lazy with edits and in ever want to make them any more idk i'm trying my best m80s || tugan

84 0
this is really quite good, nice job 👍🏻
this is beautiful smol Vic
why is vic so cute dammît 💫
aye m8 what's ur snapchat
but your edits are so much betteR
if your edits are in hëll mine are sent in the voiD
(but thanks anywaYs)
your welcome, you deserve their blessing
yes, they should be shown to the world
i want them to be popular but then again i want to keep them a small group so the fans they have are actual ones 🌧
friend, please be awake😩 I'm so bored