Im borrrrrred


Im borrrrrred

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hewwo 😂👋🏼
hello how are you 🙂😂
I'm awesome! u? 🙃
we are all ready dating
I'm great 😂😂
that's good. how's life
wait she's 11 she said that she was 14
my life's pretty good so far 😂😂😂
wait your 11 also
that's good.
yeah how's your life and woah I need to talk to her because she said that she was 11
I mean she said that she was older she said ether 14 or 13
she said in London and that she wants to meet me some time
yeah I'm good hru 👋🏻
it's awesome. well highschool hw is getting in my nerve and my Sargent for ROTC is annoying lol
lol 😂 and wow she lied to me a lot
yupppp😂👍🏼. how old r u?
I'm 14 and in the 8th grade
nice. I'm 14 and in 9th 😄
wow I didn't know that what does she say about me
oh wow 😂😂😂
I'm jack codys friend and ok cool 😎
it's nice to meet you to and idk if I am go no to break up with her but she lied to me a lot
yeah I did and then took it down
yeah maybe
jack y did u break up with me and why did gabby say u guys were dating and why did she say that I was 11 well I'm not I'm 14 and I don't even no her
I only no her bc of pc
that's not what she said she said that y'all both go to the same school and your 11 and I naves said that I was going to break up with you I said that I would talk to you about it
well I guess since u r going to talk to me about it them why don't u just break up with me now bc u apparently like gabby and I don't go to the same school with her I don't even now her ok so just break up with me and btw she said u like her
I'm not going to break up with you if you tell me that your telling the truth that you are 14 and lives in London then I will believe you because I still really like you and I want to trust you