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hey I'm Amanda
what's up?
just playing with my cat you?
hello ✌🏻️
goals lol I'm playing with my dog
I have a Yorkie I've had him since I was 6
aw mine is a longhair and she's 12
so wanna do something?
okay how about a movie or cuddling?
how about both?
sure sorry I was doing something
oh okay
*puts a movie on and lays down on the couch
what movie is it? *lays behind you*
um any
Tanya you want
*puts my head on your chest*
you can pick the movie
*goes on Netflix and smiles* want to watch Mean Girls?
yes *laughs and gets cozy*
*puts it on and puts my arms around you*
*hugs you and watches it with you*
*smiles and watches*
*gets a blanket for us and comes back*
thanks *puts it over us*
no problem
*puts my leg over yours*
*giggles and kisses your cheek*
*smiles back* you're really nice
I know so are you
thanks *blushes*
*smiles and watches*
*kisses you softly and looks down*
*kisses your nose* you ok?
yeah I just thought you would be mad *looks up at you and smiles*
I'm not *smiles slightly*
*hugs you and kisses you quickly* I thought you would be mad if I did that *blushes*
why would I be?
because we just met but you're not right? *smiles and comes closer to you*
I'm not *smiles*
*smiles* I guess I really like you
I kind of like you too😁❤️
hey Jesse- Amanda
what's up?
just eating breakfast Hby