Collage by KAMI_NO_SHI


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Np and it's fine and I'm a god of space hints the name too but I can be a demon from time to time it's a long story
ghost: well then were good blaze thanks for coming along
blaze: no problem*flys away*
So ghost what you want to do
ghost: I honestly don't know after turning back to god form after awhile I feel really tir......*drops to the floor*
Ghost! *comes over* a-are you ok?!
ghost: something I feel something its like it's crushing my heart
Is there anything I can get you to help you
ghost: I don't think there is....AHHH!
I'm going to get blaze he'll know what to do
blaze:*walking down the street* hmm beautiful night
BLAZE*runs over to him really fast*
blaze:*looks over* hmm, oh hey galaxy ghost
Sorry it was a long run over here
blaze: what do you mean there's something rong with ghost
I can't really explain it just follow me *grabs his rest and starts walking fast*
blaze: ok we're we going we're is he
He is only a block down it won't be long but we still have to get there quick too
blaze:*stops* galaxy hold on to me quick
Um *starts blushing* why?
blaze: why is your face red,anyways just do it quick
F-fine *holds on to blaze*
blaze:* finds ghost* there,HELL PORTAL!*teleports to ghost*
Ok that was deferent but anyway ghost are you ok I got blaze
ghost: AHH!
O on blaze can you help him
blaze: it looks like someone is using magic to squeeze his heart, but who?
*thinking and sees someone* up there that guy in the tower
blaze: stand back* builds up fire*
You don't have to tell me twice
blaze: FIRE BREATH!*explodes the tower*
Will that's one way to do it
blaze:*looks at ghost* can you get up
I'll be here to help you if you need it ghost
ghost*stands up* y..ya thanks
blaze: no problem, he'll portal*disappears*
Ghost do you feel better
ghost: y..ya just a little light headed
Do you want to go somewhere else so you don't get hurt anymore
ghost: S..sure but w...were?
Um idk maby the park or something
ghost: sure
Um o-ok