Does this ever happen to anyone? My drama teacher asked us all this yesterday in class and I wasn't sure how to answer. (PS: not my quote)


Does this ever happen to anyone? My drama teacher asked us all this yesterday in class and I wasn't sure how to answer. (PS: not my quote)

139 18
sorta am are you
hope you are happy. Sometimes we have to go to the really bad things to get to the ones that are so good it's almost not possible. gotta hope right
Chris Kendall‽ Absolutely!
do you want to talk‽
this is me all over. I usually cry myself to sleep.
I'm sad/happy. all the time. ;w;
this is me
I really know how you feel... right now I am trapped in a time of life to... t-to commit Sui... doesn't matter as I stand my ground on the outside and sometimes I don't feel that bad 😊 xxxxx