it's better to forge a soul than decorate one | 9:25 pm


it's better to forge a soul than decorate one | 9:25 pm

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sounds like fun :) All I did today was go to school and do nothing πŸ˜‚ Not exactly the ideal Friday, but some people have worse.
sounds like fun! I had a big, BIG, BIG test and a paper due today... it was a hectic/stressful weekπŸ˜¬πŸ˜” I love the feeling of relief though, until you realize that you have another big test and an essay to writeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜³
though I did have some Cinnamon Toast Crunch, I LOVE those. (my mom doesn't really allow them, so it was a rare thing)
nice πŸ‘πŸ’• xx
@GatheringBlue, It truly wasβ€”hope next Friday's better. 😊🌹
@sporty_puppy, How did the test go? πŸ‘€βœ¨ I'm sure you'll do great on your upcoming test and essayβ€”ahh, the feeling of relief. 😌❀
@sporty_puppy, I'm having Cinnamon Toast Crunch right now! Yes, they are grrreat. πŸ‚πŸ˜
@Naive_Lilacs, πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
@Dreamcatcher4ever, Indeed! 🌿☺
I love the Apollo Trials which book are u reading I'm on the second oneβœ¨βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ’«πŸ™
oooh, fun:) wow, i have to follow you on tumblr!