I’m going to the state swim meet this weekend and I’m so excited 😆 
It snowed today. A lot.
QOTD: what’s your favorite season
AOTD: summer cuz there’s no school


Tap I’m going to the state swim meet this weekend and I’m so excited 😆 It snowed today. A lot. QOTD: what’s your favorite season AOTD: summer cuz there’s no school

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This is amazing! Love it 😍!
um ..... so I need to know , did u steal that saying from the internet , the ‘ id rather have flowers in my hair than diamonds around my neck ‘??? Just because , this girl used the same quote . Unluckily for her , I HAD A GO AT HER FOR ‘COPYING ‘ US !!!! So please tell me , did u . Now , I know that u probably feel real bad because I’ve basically just screamed at u . Bur , I’m not mad , I’m just sorry that she got told for copying when she probably actually didn’t . Thanks xxx
please don’t feel sad or bad about this . It was just a misunderstanding. We r still friends , right ???
thanks! this is cute too
AOTD: Summer or winter. 🧐
oh it’s fine, don’t worry x