Should I post a picture of me or keep it a anonymous????


Should I post a picture of me or keep it a anonymous????

14 0
that's up to you
I am horrible at making decisions
what's wrong?
I like someone but they already know and they like me but I don't what to do about I just want to cry
who is it, I can help
so they like you?
it is s girl
is she on pc?
yes they do like me
is she interested in dating?
idk but my friends asked them about me if I was still dating someone and they said yes I am but I going to break up with them the person im dating to try to be with her
that's cute, so I'd say you have no worries
you sure I have no worries
btw are you a boy or a girl
and I'd think the only thing really is to deal with an ex, but I they truly loved you they'd want you to be happy
true but idk what to do
we'll go up to her(the Person you're dating now) and say you'd think I'd be better if you two were just friends. then give is a couple days and ask your crush out.
ok but they don't go to school were I go too it's a long distance relationship
who doesn't go to school with you? your crush or gf??
my crush goes to my school
oh, well that works out a lot better.
ya, just tell her you'd think you two would be better off at friends then ask the girl out.
yes but I'm scared to brake up with her
I have never broke up with a girl before that's why
well it was scary when I first broke up with my Iran boyfriend and it was still hard doing it o my second. but I think everyone has a first and I think you can do it!
just say: Hey (gf name) I love you but I honestly think we'd be better as friends. I'm really sorry but I don't think it's working out too well. You did nothing wrong it's all me and it's ok to hate me but I just wanted to be honest with you.
I did its
and I asked her out and she said yes
YAY!!!! 😆😆😆
follow me and I follow you
I'm so confused
so how's it going with the girl?..
it is going good
post a pic
I will later
it's up to u
it's your choice