Collage by jazzy-sparklez


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into the room
I know u want it
no I know u like elijah I am not going out with him I just like him 😭😭😭😭😭😬😬😬😬😬😬
its ok I know he won't go out with u he said he doesn't like u and he said u were ugly so I'm not worried
KK and... never mined
what do u mean by never mined its never mind but what do u mean never mind
whatever if u want tell me then or most likely keeping something from me
I am not I was going to ask u a question but never mined that 😕😕😕😕
tell me what she question was
ask your mom and Dave if you can get off the bus with me because I am going to go in my room and get dressed because it is going to be time to go as soon as we get home
ok I will ask