Day 23: What is a Josh Dun? This is a Josh Dun. 100% beauty, 50% drums 68% passion, 30% cats, 45% outer space (20% of that is aliens) 25% tattoos, 8% seriousness, 70% humor, 90% pure sunshine (dunshine lol) *check comments*


Day 23: What is a Josh Dun? This is a Josh Dun. 100% beauty, 50% drums 68% passion, 30% cats, 45% outer space (20% of that is aliens) 25% tattoos, 8% seriousness, 70% humor, 90% pure sunshine (dunshine lol) *check comments*

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I don't why the quality is bad but I'm sorry for the messiness my shoulder is killing me and there's something wrong with me today so yeah sorry for that
also I can't draw trees or drums or anything for that matter