☔️✨Today was a rainy day, but hey, without the rain, there would never be flowers ✨☔️


☔️✨Today was a rainy day, but hey, without the rain, there would never be flowers ✨☔️

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SO PRETTY!! @caltion, I love the smell after it rains😌
ugh caption*
meggy😂 wow I have TONs of nicknames but no one has ever called me that before👌😅
of sure! just tell me if u can't collect it then I'll remix it again
so good!!!!
I LOVE YOU ACCOUNT SO MUCH! I wish I could edit like you ☺️💗
I'm gonna tell all of you a little story. 😂 So last night we left the windows open while we were sleeping so it would be cool inside. and during the night, a skunk takes a KAPEESH and the stupid smell finds its way into our house and our house smells like skunk 😂
wanna collab 💕❤️
aww thanks 😘sure another time 👍🏻 hope your days going well. 💕 mine isn't 😞
love this!!
@caption vey well said!Stunning collage as well!U never fail to awe us with ur amazing talent
you probably don't know this, but I have depression. it's been really bad for a long time now, and I feel super sad and depressed. I try to cheer myself up but it just doesn't work. I always look st your collages cause they do make me smile cause they are awesome
it's so stupid how people act these days
The paaaiiinnnnn! I'm currently in the midsts of my largest crush ever and it makes me want to tear by brain in half. It's even worse because he occasionally talks to me and even more worse because my friend also has a crush on him and she asked me if I did and I lied and told her I didn't because I just couldn't tell her I did too. And now at lunch she's just like "do you think he and I are cute together?" and I'm just like "😑". I'm trying to get myself to stop liking him but I canntttt. (sorry for all that venting😂)
no TY!and omg that sucks😂😂😂😖😂😂.Also I love the profile pic
no u lightened up my day💝❤️
my depression is extra bad today though 😩😞
I've never had a crush😂😂😂😂
oops just unfollowed u
yeah I know it's sad 😭 I really want to thank you cause your collages helped me through a really though time about 2 days ago. you are an inspiration 💕
I try to stay positive for others but it's hard
Yeah, I typically don't get crushes. I had a few tiny ones in middle school but now that I'm in high school.... 😂 And yeah, I don't tell anyone my crushes. Ever. I'm already ashamed of them so I don't need someone point it out all of the time. 😝 Especially in front of the guy!
hey LatteBunny!
I'm sorry I'm burdening you though 😭 I know you are so amazing and I don't know why you are talking to me cause I'm terrible at collages. you are an idol and I'm just dirt. I guess my hatepages are right I do suck 😭😭😭
😭 are you sure 😭😭 I really don't know if I can take more hate 😭😭😭
(I don't mind you venting. I love it when people vent to me😂) And my best friend has always been a guy, but now I find myself needing to separate from him though I can't get away. He's my neighbor so I always have to see him and I just need him to find some new friends besides for me. Everyone is always teasing us and saying we should be a couple and it makes me soooo upset.
you have been to sweet I don't deserve the love and support. 😭
it's so hard though when you have 3 exactly 😭😭😭 I hope you can forgive me for bothering you 😭😭❤️thanks for caring
I live with that exact same fear. 😂 Go ahead! ✨
thanks for being so sweet and kind. I made you a fan page cause you deserve so much more ❤️😘💕
aww thanks 😘❤️ I have a mini heart attack every time you comment and like something cause you are an amazing idol and person
Yeah, he's a good friend. It's just that I'm changing he's not. I'm moving and he's standing still. I think I may be gradually working it out though. 💕
And I really do live in fear for the day when someone I know asks me the same question. 😂
let me tell you this: throughout my terrible days this week, 2 things: I have stalked you 😂 because your amazing collages make me feel a little better. how you can cheer someone up is amazing. I'm so grateful to be talking to you 💕 you are an idol and so sweet and kind
Mine always autocorrects it to all caps and it annoys me so bad. 😝
you are too kind to me. I don't deserve it cause I'm just not good at anything I do.
I feel! 😂
I don't know anyone in real life who has a PC.
aww thanks 😘❤️ I guess I'm okay but you are making be blush cause you are complimenting me 💕
I love your name. mine is ehh 😬 I love your style and collages though. they are so awesome and amazing💕❤️😘
do you want to be friends? 😘
My parents know I have a PicCollage, though I'm not sure if they really know what it is. I don't think they would care much if they saw though, they trust me. I'm not allowed to post pictures of my face or anything. I can't get Instagram but I think this is a lot different.
thanks for being so supportive ❤️💕 hope someday we can be good friends.
if you ever follow me in the future, I would probably die cause you are so amazing and for you to follow me would be mind blowing (please don't think I'm a shallow person who begs for people to follow me)
omg I unfollowed u again
OH MY GO...CHEESE AND CRACKERS you followed me ahh! thanks for being an amazing person 😘❤️
CLOSE TO 20k!!!
we both unfollowed each other😂
really? then ahh omg you are following me again 😱😱
you are so sweet ❤️💕
😭 I don't know what to do😭😭😭😭😭😭 should I just delete this and Triva crack?
I dunno I'm leaving for a week Bye
Hey collagers!👋🏻 A new game has started on my page, and it would be awesome if you could audition for a team!😉 There will be 20 people picked for the games, and they will all be experienced collagers🌺 Your teams will compete for points and the final collager that hasn't been voted out will win!😄🙌🏻 I hope you audition! See you at the games!🤗👋🏻
this is amazing!
Wonderful collage! I'm great, and just ate some chocolate-covered strawberries. What about you? ✨
^^^ samee
love this
hi 👋🏻 I was wondering...maybe...kinda..sorta...could I co-own😁maybe...😶
I love this!!
oh lol😂😂😂😂
guess who's back
hey bunny can you enter my contest? just scroll down a little
where do you get your quotes? 😱😱😱😱😱
and you probably don't know who I am or remember when you told me I would be on the pop page by Christmas and I'm just checking you didn't mean next year...😁
omg ur almost at 20k !!! You were only just at 10k !!! WOW ! congrats in advance lol 😂😘💕🌸👍🏼🙃
😂😂really funny story.... I was sleepwalking I think and I think I twisted it but then I can't touch it to the floor so now I'm at urgent care taking an X-ray, you would think it would be from playing sports but nooooooo.....😂👏🏻
umm... i love your collages but are you running out of inspiration or something...?
And you know I kinda like bumface 😂😂😂😂 Its not the worst thing I've been called lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I want this to be somewhat successful so who should I prank next 😏😏
sorry lol 😂😂😂😂 I felt really bad 😂😂
love your collages 😍😂
hi! How r u?
😂😂😂😂 I'm gonna try that next 😂😂
I lov ur colleges too😱😘
^Why are you on private? 😭
I'm good:) Im just stressed about school
yes I can and that's my cousins name!
Cuz I'm having a bad day and I don't want to do anything
^Well that must stink :(
Yeah I just had a bad day in school so...
YAS middle school is terrible😩😩😩
not exactly hers is spelled LAILA
oh and just to let ya know I followed u on watt pad the story was awesome lol
I can't believe we shar the same religion it's rare for me I have a friend who is in high school the year after me who shares same religion and stuff
Here we go 😏
do u wanna be friends?💕
oh darn I have a test in science I will talk to u soon
I'm back now, I just needed a bit to eat and and cry and stuff
cool! and TY I just finished my teacher was nice enough to let us use notes😂💕✨🎉
who dared u to say u hate sushi😂😒
so it was u?
thank u!That really made me happy
that's awesome!My house btw was griffins or surprisingly enough😂😂😂😂
ohhhhhhh thanks!🙂
No i like This acc
What do u look up to find background pics like this?