~btw role plays are lit-


~btw role plays are lit-

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I love u to wym ur family's over?
make a post
I’m Amanda , 16 years old , and yeah.If you wanna know anything , ask xxx
also , who doesn’t love hoodies ??? They really suit you . And are super cute when a girl gets cold and needs a hoody . I just love love 💛💛💛
yay okay can u make a bio
dayum!! you’re cute af 😂hi I’m Amber
heyyy , I commented a while ago xxx
Hey Ethan you cute please check my page you look super cool with hoodies on they suit you so much have fun trying to fine love welcome to chat with me on my page
giggles- hi hi -Lexi
how are you today?
I’m ok my bxxbies hurt
I have a fiancé ..
I’m sorry .. maybe u could just.. massage them a bit?
moans in enjoyment* they feel better already thank u!
yes please
they hurt around the nxpple area so maybe idk
careful I’m taken
giggles- thank u
hey :)) i’m mia 💛
no touches be a good boy
hands off ..
no booty for u mister 😂
bc. I’m engaged.
no sir
leans my head back-
bites my lip- my bxxbs feel better now Ethan thank u
can’t help but moan * n-no this is my daddy’s only get ur finger out
get it out of my puxxy. it’s nick’s to finger not yours 😩😩
yes I’m sure
no get it out
thank u
get your finger out.
no stop calling me babe! 😂I’m engaged and my puxxy belongs to nick
gets up and moves to the kitchen grabbing a water- I said so
Collin! be nice
ur right u shouldn’t have. I told u bxxbs only
one night stand?? -any girl
why’d u say it with a question mark?
with who? you pick what girl. -all girls
do you like what you see? hehe :) -mia