Quote from Cassandra Clare πŸ’•


Quote from Cassandra Clare πŸ’•

55 0
aaah love it!
aww this is so cute☺️
Hey! Want to be in my Harry Potter Games?! We are in need of some Ravenclaws!
I must show you my trick for hedgehog lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
look how great this is: .^^^ *gasp it's a non emoji hedgehog!
I know right!!!!!!!!!!' .^^^
ty ☺️ and this is so true
but like I have SO much schoolwork that I don't have time to invest myself in a new book series
haha cuteeeee
yes!! I need to finish up season 2 first but still πŸ˜‚
I'll probably read the books during the summer time
i answered your questions!!!
you’re my favorite person on pc πŸ’—
Love it :)
my pleasure ❀️❀️