Hey guys I'm single-hunter


Hey guys I'm single-hunter

13 76
hey it's Sami, I'm having a bad day😭
my crush totally blew me off so I'm done with him forever. so yea I'm single, forever a loner😔
but I have 1 more crush and I think u know who it is
it's hunter
why? you said oh, is that a bad thing
no it's Mack btw
I know. so does hunter know? I mean I really do like him, he's cute
idk he fell asleep he has been sick all day
aw tell him I hope he feels better, I've been sick too.
could u tell him when he's up? and ask him to txt me on here
ok thanks. ask him to txt me on one of my photos so I get the notification
so u wanna talk then until he's up
ok I think he just woke up
hey u still there
ok I think he just woke up
can he talk
yeah hold on
ok after u guys eat
hey hunter
did Mack tell u
tell me what?
that I like u
is "oh" a bad thing?
can we get to know each other and u know maybe be together? I feel like ur the one but I don't wanna move too fast for u
ask me any question to get to know me, start asking whatever u want
ok how old are you
13. you?
ok what's ur favorite color?
ur turn to ask
what is your favorite movie
I got lots but probably, "HitMan agent 57"or "Into the storm"
I like inside out
I love that movie
me too
ok what's your favorite song
hmmm🤔probably trap queen or hit the quan I'm always dancing to that
same lol. we pranked our choir teacher by singing and dancing to hit the quan in the middle of practicing jingle bells for our concert😂
ur turn to ask
what is your favorite food
pizza, chicken or pudding
mine is pizza and tacos
jk ok um what is ur home screen/ lock screen? my lock screen is mountains and a lake and my home screen is a green nike sign
basketball and football pictures
cool alright ur turn again lol
hmm🤔🤔what is your favorite sport
that's hard to choose bc I play soccer, basketball, and I'm on the boys football team even tho I'm a girl. probably football
that's so cool I play football
awesome!, what position do u play? I'm quarterback and I kick
I'm a corner back and a quarter back
that's awesome.
everyone makes fun of me bc I'm on the team and I'm a girl and I say u know what I am tough I got leading quater back so hush up lol
yeah lol
so u wanna date?..... I mean it's up to u and I don't wanna ruin this friendship
idk yet
ok that's fine. lol so watcha doing
nothing just dancing
lol to what
whip and naenae
haha I was just dancing to that
my 4 year old sister does it with me lol
so what do u wanna talk about? more questions?
i can't think of anymore
um lemme think... what do u look for in a girl
she has to be funny nice and weird and she has to handle my weirdness
that's what I look for in a guy, I'm crazy and weird and I like nice and funny guys like u
anytime😘😊 so how much more u wanna know about each other
Idk im still not over madz yet
yea I noticed. thing is, is she over u
I mean if she's over u then it may be time to move on, I'm not saying that cuz I want to be with u, I'm saying that to help u out
did it help lol
yeah kinda
out of 10 what are the odds of us ending up together
just curious
about an 8
that's what I was thinking😘😊 we do have a lot in common too.
when would u think that would ever happen
idk maybe tomorrow I have to go to bed
ok goodnight. I'll text you after school around 4-430 probably
is it 9:11 where u are
if so then we have the same time zone. ok goodnight
it's 9:13 now
goodnight tty tomorrow
hey hunter what's up
so I see u found a girl
well good for u. I'm glad we are still friends though
yeah me too
good for u. I'm glad we are still friend though
hey u there?
yeah sorry
it's ok, are u really leaving?
no it's okay now
ok I was hoping you weren't. I don't have any friends but you
I bet you do
not really, all of the kids in my school hate me accept one 6th grader named jasmine and I guess we are pretty good friends but u and her are pretty much it, you guys mean a lot to me
I still do like u too but I understand u are with Cali
u there?
so watcha doin
same just talking to u
what are the odds out of 10 of us ever being together
do u wanna join my new group account
idk I have to go bye
is something wrong? ok bye
alright. when will u be back