Please don't hate. I never hurt you. This is a place for fresh thoughts not mean ones. Thank you


Please don't hate. I never hurt you. This is a place for fresh thoughts not mean ones. Thank you

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thank u to all the people that back me up
Hi!!sorry for not posting in the celeb games I was too busy but I'll post now
you are amazing! don't let anybody tell you you're not! Haters are stupid and they just want to get a rise out of you, so just stay strong and don't let them get to you! we've all been through this, we all have haters sometimes. It doesn't mean that you are less than anyone else because you have one hater. They're the one who is less than perfect. You are an amazing person, and I am here for you!
I reported one of her mean comments.
thank you
thank u
you are all so kind
I kinda feel bad for her
If u look at her comments they aren't really that bad