You okay?


You okay?

12 0
re:// Go away.
do you want the honest version
no. no i am not. people on here that i love are saying they want to die, or they're going to kill themselves. and i can't do a thing about it. it's bringing back a couple bad memories of my earlier days on the internet. and i just want everyone to be happy, but i don't know what to do to make that happen. i try to cheer everyone up but feel like i make no difference, and i can't help...
i'm having a bit of a mental breakdown right now.
^I feel like that too right now. Some of my really good PC friends are trying to kill themselves, and I just want them to know that I'm there for them, and that I care and they can always talk to me. But it feels like no matter what I do they'll never believe that I genuinely care about their happiness.
*Hugs you*
exactly how i feel. and i keep remembering what happened when i couldn't help last time. one of my best internet friends killed themself, because they thought i didn't care, because i didn't know what to do. i dont want that to happen again. i CAN'T let it happen.
*hugs back*
^I'm so sorry about your friend❤️I keep trying to let my friends on here know that I care, but they always think I'm lying. I'm really scared that one day I'll come on here and find that one of my good friends on here has committed suicide😔
same. i haven't reached that point, but i mostly bottle up all my sadness and feelings like that all the time. i just don't want people worrying.
^Same. I don't do it in real life as much, but I never want to say when I'm sad on here because I don't want my followers to worry about me. I also want to try and stay positive and happy for my followers going through hardships.
I'm not depressed or anything, though.
that's... exactly how I feel. whenever someone irl asks me what's wrong when i'm acting sad or odd, i usually never tell the truth. I don't like them worrying.
I don't really do it in real life, but I think I do it online more because I know more people here than irl.
I... I am. I very much am. and I hide it from a lot of my loved ones.
I do it online more... I don't know why, I just feel more comfortable with that.
Even though I do it a lot online, I don't think it's good for people to do that. I'll always be here if you want to talk about anything❤️❤️
I think I'm more open irl because most of those people know me better and know I'm not always happy. It's kind of like on here I've made a specific image for myself to keep up. Idk
I'm afraid to tell anyone Irl because they see me as the cheerful, happy friend, who's always willing to talk and cheer them on, and make them happy. If I'm sad, then it won't be that way, they'll be trying to cheer me up, and if I'm sad, I can't help them. So I always try to avoid being sad. I can kinda relate to you on the whole created an image thing.
Yeah it's hard to have an image that you made for yourself. But on the bright side, sometimes I feel like posting that I'm sad, then I don't, and it kind of makes my sadness go away a bit. It may be different for me, but sometimes when I pretend to be happy I actually start feeling happy.
I don't usually post anything about me being sad. I think I have a couple times though. I've tried pretending to be happy, and it's something I do a lot. it usually makes me happy for a bit, so that's good.
Sorry, I have to go to sleep now. Good night :)
night. :3