2.1.17// 10 Facts About Me


2.1.17// 10 Facts About Me

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cool facts!
@BubblyPop & @AuliiCravalho: ty!๐Ÿ’™
cool and interesting!
where have you had stitches?
Ty! @disneylover1689
Under my chin, yeah, I know, sounds pretty painful, huh? @GalaxyStar88
I've split open my chin once!
I used a butterfly bandage to close it up
๐Ÿ˜ฌYikes! That sounds bad! You wouldn't believe what happened to me.. I think it's a little worse than that..
what happened?( if u feel uncomfortable u don't need 2)
o my goodness! that's terrible! are u in pain? how recent was this?
r u feeling better?
Pretty recent actually, I'm okay now. Thank you for asking! You're so sweet!
I'm going to delete that now, okay? Hope you don't mind. I just don't like to talk about it that much.
that's totes fine! I'm glad ur feeling better! luv u!
At school, okay?
aw, okay. ๐Ÿ‘
yikes! that must have hurt...
I got stitches in my eyebrow in second grade ( I'm in eight now ) during gym. We were playing what time is it me fox and I was cornered and this guy kept running at me thinking I was gonna doge him but nope. I passed out and when I opened my eyes there was blood everywhere๐Ÿ˜Got 13 stitches on m eyebrow๐Ÿ˜‚Still have the scar๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป
Wow...sounds painful! Hope you feel better!