Good morning


Good morning

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Eh nothin much lol just doing some school work... u?😘
morning and ok
I hope u feel better soon!
fine fine
*shy and nervous blush* y-you're moms read my comments?
oh. okay
so it's been a rough day....
Aaawwwww😔😔😔😫😫😫🤒🤧😷i feel bad for u!!!❤️❤️❤️
I just posted about my day...
*hugs, sniffle* I could never write from the heart in school... I wanna be a writer but everytime I write anything in school they bash me and tell me I'm doing it wrong so now I stopped writing books outside of school....
lol nothing much
hi sry I had to hang up... mom wanted her phone back and told me to do my homework... the only thing she doesn’t know is it is pretty much done except for vocab.
I’ll call u back when I’m done and have free time...
nice!! wanna join?? but first what your name
oh ok just making sure you aren't Chloe
delete that as soon as you read it
the password!!^^
thank you! that’s super sweet ahh seriously, you’re the best