This is Lucas!


This is Lucas!

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everyone but Rosie ...
*hovers over you, kissing you*
*strokes your cheek and smirks*
*moans softly*
*kisses back and holds you close*
*grips your hips tightly*
*tugs on your lip the lets it go*
*smirks and kisses you deeply*
*rolls over so you are on top of me*
*looks deep into your eyes*
*pulls away from the kiss and nuzzles your bööbs*
such sweet moans~
Sorry baby..I'm dealing with someone who hates us..
And it's bugging me..
*kisses your cheek*..
*hugs back*
*kisses you deeply* I love you, okay?
*sighs* Ily2
Lucius: So youuuuu are Abyss' future wife
Lucius: Ohohohoho
Lucius: I'm Lucius, her older sister
Nice to meet you
*stretches* Mind you I have lung cancer so if Abyss isn't on as much it's because she's taking care of me
Its okay~ My wife and I are gonna be fine...Abyss might be sad but she'll also be okay
Always protect her...
Don't let her near anything sharp..*looks worried*..
I know that...But...Look at her arms..
*hands you a picture of Abyss' old scars* She has over 800...
I hope you won't..
Abyss: *walks back in from taking a shower*
*kisses your cheek* Hi Princess!
Lucas do u have two pages
so u guys are dating good luck