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1) I really like the way this turned out!
2) SPAM to anyone who can tell me what book this came from! I just read this and absolutely ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ it!!


🌫 click here 🌫 1) I really like the way this turned out! 2) SPAM to anyone who can tell me what book this came from! I just read this and absolutely ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ it!!

55 2
go to kahoot.it and the game pin is 247094
look at your homepage and look for my page
Cinder isn't it
I never read the book, even though I want to, but this collage is amazing! I stared at it for two full minutes! 💚
Ahhh! it's Cinder!!!! I love those books so much! That's my number one favorite book tied only with one other (mortal instruments, but that's not important right now😉) I just finished Winter, the last book and it is AMAZING. I went out and bought it the day it came out. it's been over a month and I haven't started another book till now just cuz I needed that much time to recover from its awesomeness😂 Please tell me what you think! I'd love to discuss them with you
oh my god I'm so sorry I just realized how long that was😂😂