


14 1
I'm so glad you like it!! can't wait for thanksgiving!!
Me too!
Thank you so much o love it!
i love this icon jo!!!!
sorry... but can you make an icon for starrynight_447}?}?}?}?
sorry.....i was loged in to my sisters account! but i would love it if you could make an icon for starrynight_447
i want it to be a fairy or a flower i really don,t care
can I make one? (This is Alathea)
yes! you can make one fore starrynight447.
yes! you can make one fore starrynight447.
this one is for starrynight447
it's kind of a fairy/angel thing
i dosen't show up!
what do you mean?
it dosen''t show up nether dose eva_cat_photos
can I️ make one?
well.......i don't hav ane more acawns.
Sorry...I meant I don't have anymore icons!
sorry theat was eva!