I don’t think anybody will want an icon but I’ll still offer anyways!


I don’t think anybody will want an icon but I’ll still offer anyways!

13 11
all goodd
Thanks! 😋 Abigail, (My mom’s favorite name) Daisy, (The name, the flower, the character from Mickey Mouse, and from Super Mario inspired it. 😂 I thought of it, but my little sis is naming one it.) Blue, (My brothers obviously couldn’t do boy names, and they like Jurassic World so. 🦖 ) Claire, (Also from JW.) Lucy, (My older sis’s favorite show is I Love Lucy. ♥️ ) and Martha. 🐥 (We have an ice cream place nearby called Martha’s, and it has a chicken on the sign. 🐓 ) They’re pretty random. 😂
And yeah, crazy right? 🇺🇸
Thanks! 😆 I had more, but we’re only getting 6 and my brothers wanted to name some. 😂
Yup, pretty much. 😂