Collage by _Chantel_


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she’s absolutely adorable, I’m Steven
I’m Steven, so how old is she
how sweet, does she talk and stuff
that’s so cute, is she a handful
that’s awesome
is it hard being a single parent
that’s a great mind set to have wow, that awesome, is Elle’s dad I’m her life
the court can’t see he’s a bad dude?
I’m sorry
I’m sorry about all the questions I just have so many because I want to eventually have kids with my girl but I have more question if that’s alright
can you maybe remix me I don’t want my girl feeling bad it’s a long softy
it’s won’t I promise remix me?
hey can I talk to you
can you remix me
hey I’m sorry I’ve been a little busy
ehhh okay, it’s better when I talk to you though
so far our conversations have been light and cheery and I like that because I haven’t felt like that in a while
exactly. your like a breath of fresh air
yes they do.
yeah, I love that about you but you don’t have to it’s not your job you know
but I dont want you to think that you can’t come to me for things
promise ?
she isn’t my girlfriend, that’s the problem she’s lashing out. I’m sorry you should probably block her to. she’s the only person I’ve talked to so I swear there isn’t anymore drama
I’m really sorry
this is why I don’t talk to people... after my girlfriend left everything just went down hill for me honestly, I can honestly tell you I haven’t really been happy sense then and no it wasn’t Anastasia
I’m sorry about everything, people clearly aren’t who they seem until you don’t give them their way. feel free to delete her comments as well they shouldn’t be clouding up your picture anyways
it is, because you shouldn’t be involved in any of this mess... I don’t even want to be involved
I’m sorry this is shinning a really bad light on me, but I normally try to lay low
well thank you for trusting your instincts, I know that can be hard
I’ll try my best to withhold your standards of me
well I’m gonna rest like you suggested, but you’ll be on my mind. ill talk to you tomorrow
you told so you will pay the price
too late
fine kill yourself your a bad mom anyways if you do that she’ll be safe if not I’ll kill everyone you care for
yep or your family’s gonna die
im Joanna Steven’s fiancé I’m sorry we have to meet this way, just please block him for now
but I have to watch
I will fix this somehow
I will fix this! and yes I will
it’s never too late
yes of course
chantel, I’m not letting you go this easily just trust me, I’m going to fix this. do what he says, I just need you to trust me don’t forget that -Aaron
just do what he says, I’m going to fix this I swear to god just trust me
just trust me, chantel
hi beautiful
I’m alright I’m sorry I didn’t see you messaged me what was the question?
good thing you don’t need to repay me, I told you to trust me and that I’d protect you and Elle and I meant that
your not and I’m fully aware
your asking me I’m telling you that’s what I want to do
you can tell yourself that if that’ll help things
you know you don’t have to do everything by yourself right
now you don’t have to, I won’t do everything but I’m here
i don’t need anything
whatever you say