ready for college, new people, new romances :)


ready for college, new people, new romances :)

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ready huh
I'm so ready! aren't you?
we'll all have a great time :) and you'll have an even more awesome time in NY!
I'm kinda ready, I'll miss everyone. I'll miss Julia because of the number situation
I won't see her for 3 whole weeks, and yeah true, I'm really excited to see Hayley and all
focus on the fun!!! she can sûck it up, and you'll forget it all in 3 seconds once we hit THE BAY
yay Hayley!
yeah we both can ig, and true
idk Al
totally, she has other people besides you to spend time with, you don't constantly need to be on this app
trust me on this one! you'll have fun, don't be a Debbie downer. you really will have fun!
yeah and yeah, okay. I'll have fun, I'll be positive
aw sweetie you look cUte
you know I really hope you're happy
you fûcking ruin me everytime, Alison
what did I do
really? I hope you're joking
you ruined me too. i changed for you. there is nobody but you in the entire world I'd be willing to change like this for
do you SEE how much I've changed??
yes I see how you've changed, Ali.
then do something, Jake. I'm tired of this
holy hêll you are BEAUTIFUL!
I mean, wow.
I'm sure you are too babes, ty 💖💖