Collage by lone-girl


44 1
have you ever tried talking it out with them?
they both blocked me and jess called me a bîtch. I did nothing to deserve that today.
u really don't deserve that..... don't worry, we're there for u, every step of the way.... keep smiling..... 👍🙃
Maybe there's a reason, but no matter what always stay strong. 😊 sfc
r they on pc?
no x luckily
I know how you feel,
I know how you feel my Best friend who I've know since grade 3 for super made at me for like gossiping or some lame thing and now I'm alone :(
your not alone, you have me and the rest of PC
I know how you feel to my two BFFs did that to me luckily I have other friends. maybe you should try to make new friends? :) (if that was offensive in anyway sorry)
it wast offensive xx I have moved on to having other friends