19 years oldd
Kylie's my little sister💚
I need friends


Weston 19 years oldd taken💚 Kylie's my little sister💚 I need friends

11 7
daddy I h ä t è people.
me too
why do you?
they're annoying
*pouts* am I annoying
daddy my best friend f ûç ké d my browther *pouts
ewww*chuckles*and don't you only have one brother
it was so gross daddy! I walked in on them! and I had two but the other passed
ew..if I ever walked in on Kylie I'd be so mad
it was nastyyyyyy and now I can't get the image out of my head *pretends to gag*
*jumps onto you
kissy kissy kissy *kisses all over your face
*does it agaon*
what's wrong
I got a tattoo today and it's soorrreee
what?!? hèll no*picks you up and walks to car*your removing that right now
noooo it'll hurt even more *pouts and holds onto you tight
*puts you in and drives to the place*
*mumbles* if you don't like me having a tattoo you aren't gonna like my new piercing...
*groans and takes you inside*remove this shìt
* whines and pouts* guy: piercing and tattoo?
yes*squezzes your hand *
guy: you ok with a guy taking out that piercing little lady? there are no girls on shift till tomorrow. *pouts*
we will find someone else*takes you to car and drives to other place with girls
ugh. noooo you haven't even seen the tattoo or piercing! this isn't fair! *pouts*
i don't care*takes you inside and tells her to remove it
*pouts and walks back with her and turns to you* are you coming or staying in here? *crosses arms while we both wait*
I'll come
*sits in the chair*. *gets out tool thingys* alright what first? piercing or tattoo?
girl:alright. *pouts and slides off shorts*
*shakes head
*whimpers while she takes off the little crown tattoo on thigh*
*sits on phone
*whimpers* girl: finished!
*looks at it
*small bubbly red spot on my leg*. girl:and where is that piercing at?
*looks at you
can you please wait in the waiting room for this one? *stands up*. girl: oooohhhhh *lowers chair some and grabs tools from a diff cabinet
but thèad. *slides panties down some and leans back against chair*. *works on unclipping the ring
are you fùcking kidding me Rylan.!
girl: *finishes* that's gonna be about $125 *puts shorts back on and shrugs* I lost a bet
*rolls eyes mad and pays her
girl: thank you. come back:). *whimpers some while walking bc of the skin bubbles
*walks to car
*gets in*
*gets in
*looks over at you*
*drives home
*gets out
*gets out and hops onto your back*
*ignores and walks inside
*rides on your back into the house
*walks upstairs
*is still on you*
*lays on bed
*squirms* daddy your squishing me *giggles and squirms
*takes you off and lays
*looks at you
*climbs on top of you*
*kisses your face
*looks up at you
*looks down at you* I want playtime daddy
no you don't get playtime only good girls
*pouts* but daddy! I need playtime *pouts and whimpers a little*
no buts missy.
*whines* daddy I need it
because... I just do...
tell me.
*mumbles* bc I'm hö rñÿ....
and whys that.
daddy stop! *whines and tugs at your shirt*
why stop?.
because I said! *tries to do a daddy voice while still tugging at your shirt
meanie head! *pouts and sticks tongue out at you
I don't care
*rolls eyes and gets off of you and lays on other side of bed facing away from you
*closes eye
*turns on tv*
no tv.*grabs controller and turns it off
hey! why can't I watch tv?!
because I said so
but that isn't fair! I didn't even do anything bad! ugh! *kicks*
*closes eyes
bad daddy! *slaps you*
*groans and pins you down to bed*
*squirms in your grip*
don't ever hit daddy again.*holds you down tightly
*freezes and looks up at you* b-b-but..
but nothing.*groans
*squirms against your d*
*lets you go
daddy? *looks over at you*
*takes your hands and moves it into my sweats putting it on my wet princess parts without any panties on* why do you make me do that? *pouts
because I would've helped you but you need to listen and not do those things without permission
*pouts and let's go of your hand leaving it there
*wiggles and flips over to lay on my tummy
*pulls you into me
oh! *squeaks a little
*laughs softly and holds you*
*cuddles into you*
*holds you
*wraps arms around you*
*puts a blanket on you
*cuddles into it then towards you and yawns small
*closes eyes
*falls asleep against you*
*starts breathing fast and squirming in sleep having a nightmare
*squirms and wakes up crying after jumping up accidentally hitting you on the chest, hard*
*wakes up while rubbing eyes*w-what's wrong
*is breathing fast and heavy and is crying*
what happened?
*shakes head and wipes eyes and leans back against you*
*holds you
*cant catch breath and starts to hyperventilate