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· entry for @MinGeniusYoongi's games ·
yes ik i've used these photos before, but whatever i think it suites this style heh. and tysm to everyone whose entered my contest so far. if you would like the due date to be closer, just let me know :)
re: ahdjajd tHANKS SO MUch :,0 💕 you’re literally such an inspiration omg-
oh and btw I’ve added the 1.8k gift on my latest’s remixes! :)
this style is so pretty!!! 💖
SO PRETTY!!!😱💙💙💙💙
you're welcome beautiful~~💞💞💞
re:// he was only 25 years old.
no problem love♥️
re:// Yeah it is. the reports say that it was reported that he saw guys trying to steal his car mirrors and then when Denis came up to the guys. the guys attacked Denis and it said stabbed his thigh over and over. so it’s quite sad.
this is so beautiful!!! 😍💕
this is so pretty!!!
thank you so much!
this is really pretty!
re:// we’ll only three people entered..
if you could help spread the word about it, that would be amazing and maybe more people would join!
yeah 💕💕
this is SOO PRETTAAYY WOWOW I cant even- 😭💕🔥💯
this is so beautiful!! 💕💕😱
re: thank you I just thought “whatever” and I put my pf pic as this
re:// yea. I know all the fans are heartbroken. a lot of other skaters are to. I can’t imagine what his family is going threw.
aww thank you💗✨
thanks beautiful~♥️
re:// Yeah that’s how I’m thinking about it
ahhh i love eric nam soo much 😂💗
you’re welcome! 🤗💕
same here😂😂
some acc is sayin mean stuff
aww thnx..cause of you guys I won’t leave but I just won’t be on that much till,it stops
yeah thanks x
re//: it’s not as good but TYSM!💞
re//: Np! (。◕‿◕。)
Need backgrounds? Come check out my account!! 🌼✨☀️
np! enjoy but please give credit x
never tried it😂❤️
you’re so kind, thank you so much💗
ok i will in a bit, ty tho 💕💕oh ye that 6 y.o 😂😂😂
hi dreaaaa, sorry to bother u again.. can you help message the KRUSHsquad with me?
Asian_Casper is also halping
re: ashfjf THANKS 💗 it’s really nice to hear that since I’m not very confident in my art hehe
okkk i will talk to them
I’m not that worried anymore,I’m just mad of why they would do that
confusion and delay😂k srry I’ll stop now😂
thank you for all the help in that whole mess I’m glad you helped stand up.
hey I’m kpopforfifu how are you?
so first it was kpopforlifeu...and now I’m gonna change it kpopforfifu! (not really tho)