Probably better than half the kids in my grade could do tbh 😂


Probably better than half the kids in my grade could do tbh 😂

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hey look at that I live in Oregon
and ExCuSe you I could do a MUCH better job of drawing a map and my geography is absolutely ATROCIOUS. my brother is the one who's good at that stuff
Callie have you seen some of the maps from kids in our grade
You're smarter than a lot of the other kids
As a Canadian, I am offended by how accurate this is.😂😅
I love how Disneyland is considered a state xD
I recently discovered that New York is a state? 😂
@the-black-parade-is-dead yes there is New York and then there is New York City. and, AND, this will blow your mind but, the capitol of New York isn't New York City, it's actually Albany.
*dramatic gasp*