Collage by wjomulti_spam


17 2
ooh legitness
I have a chat page wow
hèll yeah it is
i have given you the contents of my wyatt meme file
i can’t thank you enough for blessing me in this way :’)
thx! 💕
it’s funny how sophia leaves after giving me the contents. it’s like when in a movie the grandma gives her favorite grandchild her locket that has been passed on for hundreds of generations and then she dies
oof sorry i was with my dad
i feel very honered to be conpared to a grandma
i’m doing an ST/IT percy jackson theme fanfic now wow
i’m back once again
you’re always here one minute and then gone for a like a month
i’ll try to stay this time
alright gud gud
i just realized i spelled my own username wrong
see, lily? your grandma is very wise
the wisest
so wait, am I jewels’s grandma too or just yours
gotta worry bout them Family dynamics
wait why did i call you grandma in the first place?
bc you gave me the meme folder and then died
are my edits or jewels’ better?
don’t make me pick, your grandma is too young
i love them both
just say jewels’
just changed my user to grandma yawing uris wow
yes bîtch
i decided to spam you and jewels with meme file additions on picsart ;’)