#MyPic // Also from -starlight- // I find this photo somehow calming 🌊 // Weird Q of the Week🐿: What color is the pencil nearest by you? Mine is a navy blue mechanical pencil


#MyPic // Also from -starlight- // I find this photo somehow calming 🌊 // Weird Q of the Week🐿: What color is the pencil nearest by you? Mine is a navy blue mechanical pencil

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wow! this pic does calm me😌 AOTD: a grey mechanical pencil
OMG GREAT PIC !!! And thank you soo much for the spam 😘💕❤️
THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SPAM 😘❤️ can't believe an idol like you would notice my tiny account 💕😱love this pic
WOWW! and by me is just a basic pencil, yellow😂
you think so? I don't have a lot of self confidence and its lower on PC cause I have 3 hatepages. I'm such a fan of your work, I have mini heart attacks when you like or comment on my work 😱😱
omg don't get me started on procrastination😂...I get home from school and I'm like ok I'll wait an hour then I'll start my homework...well one hour comes and I'm like hmm actually I'll wait 30 more minutes and so on...I hate procrastinating🙁🙈
I had to get up and check 😂 the pencil is just a basic yellow one 😂
WonderOreo asked me if you could check your remixes just in case you didn't see what she remixed to you :)
plz like my recent so I can post something new soon🙈💞you don't have to, ILY❤️
whoa the pic looks great!
um mine is plain old yellow lol
Oh man. When I saw this I physically felt my body and mind relax. It's been a stressful day, so thank you so much. 💙
The pencil is a dark green one... not the prettiest... but I wouldn't know, green is the first one I saw in my pencil case. (currently on the bus to school😂)
wow that picture is beautiful😍👏👀
that picture is awesome! 🔥💖
Beautiful You have so much talent
heyy💗 if you love dumplings, and you wanna spread the love, SIGN UP for the #dumplingsquad on my account, but quick, there are only 6-7 spots❤️ ilyy bye xx