a collab with the very sweet and talented @fandomsofautumn! shes amazing and did the text & i did the background!
q//favorite netflix original?
a//daredevil or black mirror! 💓


🐩click!:🐩 a collab with the very sweet and talented @fandomsofautumn! shes amazing and did the text & i did the background! q//favorite netflix original? a//daredevil or black mirror! 💓

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me too!✨☺️
beautiful x
is there another show you would like to do for my tv Show mega collab? two of your choices were already taken
AOTD: Stranger things🍵🌿
Of Course!! Is there any specific fandom/theme you want it to be?
LoL 😂thanks ✨
beautiful💙 and a: stranger things or teotfw
a// probably black mirror, but I love teotfw and stranger things
a: a series of unfortunate events or Flash (If that’s a Netflix original)
Have you read these books? They’re SUPER good but also kinda depressing.