I've seen lots of people doing this... Soooooo pick apart this information like the little vultures you are. Sorry not sorry


I've seen lots of people doing this... Soooooo pick apart this information like the little vultures you are. Sorry not sorry

88 0
I have 3 of those
I'm guessing one is PicCollage 😱
I already have all these apps, so that means I'm cool like you •3•
OMG how did you know!?!!??
I'm outside your window. like literally
wow..... just wow dude
yeah probably
Why thank you! 😊
Font Candy is a good one too. :>
I use it sometimes, I prefer phonto.
picsart saves lives
^ Truest thing I've heard today.
what does pics art do?
I need my dad's permission to download apps 😁
pics art let's you blend photos, draw on them, tons of filters, and a bunch of other cool stuff.
phonto was difficult to use for me
do u have a pics art account
no, I don't think... if I do I don't use it
thx for these
k thx