


9 2
if one person gets fetched all of there collages get fetched
do Mimi fetches
ik what u mean but probably don’t target on certain ppl pls
it’s kinda mean
if they’re featured, wouldn’t it be pc’s issue? not these users? they probably made these for fun... also, I think it would be beneficial to blur or crop out the user. leave them out of this, thank you :)
ok you
will say
my collages
bad I Also
think the same
i understand u are trying to get ur option across but please do not target people it is not nice
that’s so rude-
I’m telling you that you can’t just say that the collages are bad
piccollage isn't about features so idk why you're so pssed about it. if features were the sole purpose for piccollage, there wouldn't be as good of a community and such sweet people on here (and these people have feelings yknow). i get you're frustrated, but if you are then you can just leave the app. there's this old saying that goes "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" and i think that would apply here
I’d like to see u do better
plz unfollow me, i don’t want negative and toxic ppl in my following, and never call out certain people, thats j rude
Please don’t call out certain people. It’s rude and unkind. PicCollage is a place where people share their accomplishments , it’s not a place for people to share negativity.
Its😳just😌a🥰SUSSY📮baka😠and😍it🤔can😤not🌞be🤮that😢bad👹I'm🖐 Feeling😭like😫imposter😈 l😋 might🙂 Just😬 Be🙃A😎Monster
plz unfollow me
yes, I’m sorry pc is no longer the place you experienced a few years ago. however, that doesn’t give you an excuse to spread h@te. this isn’t funny.
you keep bashing people for trying to get attention but who’s the attention seeker here? I’m sorry but..