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so you're saying that men are the murderers if they have guns, and women are completely innocent because they only destroyed the life of one person? one murder is just as bad as the next.
there's a few big differences here 1. a fetus doesn't have a life 2. women don't get pregnant to get abortions. the abortion is meant to help them. shooting somebody on the other hand, doesn't help the killer, it only hurts the victim (unless it's a case of self defense) 3. Women have the right to bodily autonomy. Nobody has the right to kill. 4.) if you think an undeveloped fetus is the same as a grown person will friends and family, thoughts of their own, and, Idk, a sense of PAIN, that's an issue.
PS sanctimonious much? You say you want a government small enough to have no say in who has dangerous weapons that could hurt society but a government large enough to control one of the most personal medical decisions a women may have to make?
I want a small government that doesn't tell me how to live my life. the government currently tells us what lightbulbs to buy, what types of engines we can put in our cars, and forces us to buy healthcare. this is not government, it's confinement. the reason I want abortion banned is because abortion is not a right. bodily autonomy is not a right. but defending yourself with firearms is.
oh, and the about the baby not being able to feel pain? 18 to 20 days after conception the baby has a completely formed nervous system. and a spinal cord. and a brain. and a beating heart. what else do you want?
no it doesn't maybe don't tell arguments that you know nothing about
actually abortion is terrible. about two weeks after conception the baby has a heart beat and about 6 weeks after the baby has measurable brain waves. most abortions are done 7-12 weeks after conception. how anyone could support such a thing just goes to show how much our country has fallen and how much our country is still falling.
no but this is trying to point out the hypocrisy in the fact that people like to shame women for making a VERY personal decision(abortion) while they pay no second thought to another person just getting a dangerous weapon
anything can be dangerous, it just depends on how you use it. a broom could knock somebody out, right? so let's ban brooms!! no. it's the same with guns.
Murder is murder, no matter what you call it.
Hi! Sorry to butt into an old conversation, but I have some opinions to share. 1. About your opinion about the baby 'not being a life'- A fetus is the same as a baby. it might not be as big as one yet, but it is still a tiny human being. Aborting a baby because if does not yet have crucial organs is still cruel. "It doesn't have a heart yet, it's not alive. therefore it's ok to kill it.' That is the same as saying 'The 8-year old girl doesn't have breasts yet, so it's ok to kill her.' the only possible reason that I could see fit to have an abortion is if having the baby could be fatal to her. that is the only reason. People who get abortions just to save face are DISGUSTING. If you don't want a baby, don't sleep with anyone. Simple as that. the best protection is staying away completely. Please explain to me how you think that murdering a baby is justifiable. thank you.
Well, abortion is a right. We are allowed to control our bodies. Bodily anatomy is why scientists can't experiment on a corpses' body without permission while that person was alive. It's the same reason you aren't forced to donate blood, even if doing so would save a person's life. So if a fetus is still dependent upon your organs, and using your body, you have the right to say no to that. Also no person gets pregnant just to have an abortion. In fact 51% used contràceptives in the month they got pregnant(so something didn't work and it's not their fault), 12% had medical issues with having a baby (that's actually a lot okay. But luckily you don't have a big problem with women getting abortions to save their lives') and 1% are victims of ràpe. Also 75% couldn't afford a baby. You may say, "well just give it up to adoption" but it's not just like that. Giving birth in a hospital costs thousands of dollars, along with that fact that if you separate a baby and mother too soon, the baby's probably not going to make it. 75% also said it would interfere would work or school. Do you seriously want these girls to give up their lives to take care of a child they can't afford in the first place? 50% said they were single. Let that just sink in. So the women is the one that should be forced to live with both of their mistakes, while the man gets off scotch free? If abortion is illegal, so should leaving someone who is pregnant. If it's both of their mistake, both should pay. But, my final argument, as this is getting pretty long, is making abortions illegal is NOT going to stop them. Before Roe v. Wade, women with unwanted pregnancies would perform extremely dangerous back ally abortions. Women with unwanted pregnancies would try and kill the thing inside of them and end up hurting themselves in the process. Women with unwanted pregnancies would kill themselves. And it is DISGUSTING that so many want to go back to a world like that.
I agree with your opinion on bodily anatomy, and how it is a human right to have control over their own body. That makes sense. However, in another sense having an abortion is an extremely unnatural procedure. One's body begins preparing to give birth, and gets into that mode, and then all of a sudden the thing the body is working hard to bring to life and protect is GONE. So then the body begins freaking out and having new problems, for example: the rise in breast cancer diagnoses. If one really wanted to protect their body, they would bring the baby to term.
I also believe that pre-marital sèx is not ok. If people didn't sleep with anyone before marriage, most abortion procedures would not even be necessary.
Rãpe is a different factor, and in that case I think that the mother should bring the baby to term, and then give him or her to foster care or adoption. (As it should be in any case, if the mother does not want to keep the baby, or is too young to care for it properly.)
As for your argument about the baby being separated from his or her mother, if that is the case then the mother should keep it until it is stable enough to leave her. I absolutely do not want young mothers to give up their lives for a baby. Again, I believe that they should keep it until it is stable, then give it up for adoption. Think of how many families are infertile or struggling to have a child of their own, and millions of young mothers are killing their children to save face. If the mother still wants to know what their child is up to, then have an open adoption. And I definitely don't like the idea of a man leaving his girlfriend because of a baby. I agree with you on that point. In my final argument, I don't believe that making abortion illegal will stop it: but it will greatly decrease the amount of murdered children. Also- don't worry about having long arguments, they're fun to combat 😉