My sister or my girlfriend don't talk to me anymore


My sister or my girlfriend don't talk to me anymore

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I don't hate u
u don't talk to me anymore
I do but I am busy
y is Bre mad at me
I am going on private because there is a lot of things happening
no stop please
I'm talking to Bre she blocked me
I'm sorry, I hope they start talking to you again soon.
I am here
I do care bro
I am just tired of people fighting on my account
I'm in the hospital
when I was coming from the mall I got in a bad car accident
then the car went on fire and my brother helped me get out
oh I hope u are ok
I don't know if I am
I didn't want to tell Bre
I hope you're okay🙏
what do you need help with
getting Bre back and my sister
brb I am going to eat dinner
jay don't worry u can have me I really like u anyway so xx