u know if i audition to be drum major my senior year and get it, it'd probably be bc i don't wanna do no exercise my last year 😂


u know if i audition to be drum major my senior year and get it, it'd probably be bc i don't wanna do no exercise my last year 😂

22 0
ahHAH i think that was half of my brother's motivation for being drum major 😂😂
bro w tf one of our schools is obviously messed up. we don't use band camp as a way to teach marching, we use it to enhance marching. we learned the basics like eight to fives, sixteen to fives, and six to fives on the very first practice which was a 6-9 practice on a Tuesday after school
we learned backwards marching the day after that, then we learned how to do turns and twist our upper body as well as how to do figure eights and then we got like a week or two off and when we came back last month we got our drill