Haha this was like my first time really using watercolor (it's for my dads birthday, we're dolphins fans)


Haha this was like my first time really using watercolor (it's for my dads birthday, we're dolphins fans)

28 0
they don't have the hulk at the one in my state smh
lmâo yeah i'm pretty sure like joker or bizarro took the hulk's place but idk🤷🏻‍♀️
wait am i thinking of green lantern
my knees literally locked up on that and i had a headache for like 2 hours it was horrible
the worst ride there was probably superman because the heart attack i had on that was way too much for me to handle
it was like once it started it was okay then there was either a drop or a loop and i actually died
Awww cute
awW this is good