PedrA plz nU


PedrA plz nU

12 0
Aha I am Wiccan and thanks for the likesss :)
aHhhhHhHHh thank you,,..,,.., I don’t really think so buT tHank
re/aww thanks why are people actually nice on here
Lol, how’s that? Are you atheist but just practice witchcraft?
I know cause like I wax kinda sad when I realized I’m different and then I had this kid d literally inspect me and actually was bending Dow to see if I had a big chest and luckily my board shorts aren’t tight enough to see that area
re//:I know I always get looks and I’m just like ughhh
Ahh, that’s cool
on an up note when I went to the cinemas with my face to face bffs Everyone except my bff’s and sis cause I’m not out saw me as a guy and I saw someone staring and I taught it was bad then I looked down and me and their friends were all wearing P!ATD T-shirt’s