So this video almost inspired me in a way, as I feel the exact same way Amanda did. I've always wanted shorter hair, and to dress differently, but as an extremely self-conscious person who remembers every piece of negativity, I've always felt like other p


So this video almost inspired me in a way, as I feel the exact same way Amanda did. I've always wanted shorter hair, and to dress differently, but as an extremely self-conscious person who remembers every piece of negativity, I've always felt like other p

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[in response] people controlled my decisions, not myself. now that I've watched this, I almost have more confidence (?), since knowing that someone has felt the same exact way, and has been in the same exact place, and has even felt the same type of negativity, has come so far, all because of a haircut that helped them identify theirselves.
I've wanted to cut my hair really short but my dad told me that "as long as I don't come home one day with short hair and flannel on" he's fine with me being pan so I've talked myself out of it (-_-)
^the really funny thing actually is that it's my parents who support it. they used to cut my hair real short when I was little, as I had thin hair. once my hair got really thick, I realized all my friends had long hair and felt obliged to make mine long as well. I don't think I was very girly ever. I was really smart and artsy for a little kid. I think my parents just went along with the fact that I wanted to be like my friends, and now I've fell down this hole where I've been afraid of individuality.
If you want to cut your hair and dress differently that's perfectly okay. I've found that no matter what people will judge. Sadly some people are like that. So I think it's better to be judge for being yourself instead of being jude for being someone your not. (Did that make any sense? I'm not sure if it did.) Well anyway it's better to be yourself. I hope you'll be able to express yourself soon.✨