and you're wondering why i post less.. ha


and you're wondering why i post less.. ha

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Hey, don't worry because I also have acne and it's totally fine if you do too because it shows how brave you are, most people freak out over little things, but you and I are great because we're not afraid to show our flaws. So don't try to hide it, embrace it!πŸ’–
you're totally cool. you are gorgeous with all of your flaws and imperfections because they are perfectly perfect. you're stunning. never forget that.
tbh it wasn't a particularly forgiving angle, but it doesn't give people the right to comment on your flaws πŸ˜ πŸ‘πŸ’•
ugh, some people r so mean ok. don't listen to them !!! you're v beautiful and you don't deserve people telling you otherwise !
i think you're beautiful tbh. i love your eyes and your hair is amazing and you just have the cutest little nose ! the people who hate on your are probably just jealous they're not as fab as you. don't listen to them, you're beautiful and lovely β˜ΊοΈπŸ’ž
There is no such thing as perfect, so they have nothing to compare you to. Your amazing in your own ways and not afraid to post random things. That takes courage! I belive that your a great personne and no one should say that your not just because of how you look!